Recent Activity

Quickly review the most recent Payments, Invoices, and Scale Tickets on your account. Selecting See More on any of the grids displays additional transactions.

Note: If any of the PDFs are not available, please contact your retailer.


  • The Payments grid displays basic payment information including the Date, Amount, and Type (Regular or Prepay).
  • Select the Cloud icon to view and/or download a PDF of the payment, which includes additional payment details.


  • The Invoices grid displays basic invoice information including the Field, Invoice Date, Due Date, Original invoice amount, Unpaid invoice amount, and the current invoice Status (Paid or Unpaid).
  • Select the Ellipsis to view and/or download a PDF of the Invoice, which includes additional Invoice details.

Scale Tickets

  • The Scale Tickets grid displays basic Grain Scale Ticket information including the Date, Commodity, Net Units, and Your Split.
  • Additional Scale Ticket details can be viewed by selecting the Scale Ticket, which then displays the Scale Ticket Details page.

Field Applications

  • The Field Applications grid displays recent custom applications.
  • Select View More to navigate to the Fields area of Grower360.